It may seem surprising but dental decay, also known as dental cavities, is the second most common disease in the U.S. Cavities are an actual... read more
Are you the type of person who can step back and see the big picture? If so, then you realize that your oral health should be more proactive than... read more
Do you experience throbbing tension headaches? What about unexplained soreness in your neck and shoulders? Have normal activities like chewing or... read more
Do you notice an increase in pink every October? From politicians to football players to community members, the color seems to pop up everywhere!... read more
Dr. Sharon Schindler LOVES living in our wonderful Columbus OH! She and her team decided to put together a variety of their favorite businesses to... read more
What is a phobia and how can it be conquered? Phobia: a marked and persistent fear of a clearly defined object or situation. In this case,... read more